Live Up To Your Full God-Given Potential

Gain a deeper understanding of your God-given identity and how that translates to living a full life.

Understand your true spiritual identity and intrinsic value.

If one-on-one counseling isn’t right for you, please click here for digital courses by Mike Dawson.

People have a basic drive for meaning and significance in life. We are unique, rational, and have been given abilities and capacities to make decisions and be responsible to think rightly and behave in healthy ways. The counseling process is one of building hope and helping people see a different perspective for their life; one of healthy changes leading to fulfillment and enjoyment in present living.

We help you with:

  • Personal Identity
  • Understand Your Purpose
  • Self-Worth
  • Personal Growth
  • Ministry Leadership
  • Religious Hurt/Burnout

About Mike Dawson

A Christian world view is the foundation for my perspective on counseling.
My desire is to lead people to know and understand how to live a healthy, abundant life with the ability to cope with the adversity faced in this life. My values and beliefs are rooted in faith; trust and reliance on God in order to help clients to live positive healthy lifestyles and make changes that help them in personal growth. Self-confidence and identity are areas many struggle with, but can be overcome. Faith-based integration into the therapy process is available for any who desire this.

Here’s Our Process

Schedule A Discovery Appointment

Call to schedule your first appointment or make an appointment online.

Assess Your Current Situation & Goals

At the first meeting, Mike will listen to understand you and your needs.

Feel Confident About Yourself

Together, we’ll determine the next steps and implement practical tools.

Helping You Find Meaning & Significance

People are created in God’s image and are therefore highly valued. I believe mankind is the pinnacle of the creation of God and this brings an inherent significance to people and for relationships between individuals. This understanding of the respect and dignity of people is essential to human relationships and forms the basis for the care and compassion in this practice. But we also live in a depraved and fallen world. Humans are fraught with the ability to hurt others, make mistakes and feel pain, guilt, and rejection. This is a challenge to me to be compassionate and empathetic for those hurting and to help them see the truth: God desires us to live in freedom and abundance, not in guilt, shame or self-condemnation.

The Core of Christian Counseling

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”
– James 3:1, 17-18

I adhere to the values and beliefs of my Christian counterparts and colleagues I am associated with at the American Association of Christian Counselors. I believe it is important to acquire and maintain important competencies clinically, ethically, culturally and most importantly spiritually. The verse in James above adequately reflects God’s wisdom and desire for the character of the Christian counselor.

Live Up To Your

Full Potential

Start experiencing closer relationships, a better self-image, more confidence, and feel good about your life.
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